YouTube “Go for Broke” Japanese American soldiers during WWⅡ
16th Autumn Health Fair Full Length Documentary 第二次大戦下の日系人部隊のドキュメンタリー映像です。
MOVIE “Siblings” 短篇映画「ふたり~あなたという光~」
16th Autumn Health Fair at Bronxville Library (a movie about Siblings who have brother or sister with disability) Apple Time, Reservation: 障がい者きょうだいに光をあてた短篇映画上映とご歓談 会場:ブロンクスビル図書館 お申込みはApple Timeへ
ONLINE: Life Balance Workshop ライフ・バランス・ワークショップ
16th Autumn Health Fair by Aiko Broady (ICF Life Coach) Reservation: 講師:ブロディー愛子(ICF認定ライフコーチ)
Telephone Consultation on Wills and other Concerns 遺言等の無料電話法律相談室
16th Autumn Health Fair Attorneys Helen Irie and Reiko Takikawa will be available to advise you on your concerns. Please make your reservation at JAA. 30 min per person. 電話個別相談「ヘレン・イリエ弁護士と滝川玲子弁護士の遺言の無料電話法律相談室」(各30分) […]
“Special Keiro Kai” 大敬老会@ 日本クラブ
16th Autumn Health Fair In celebration of Respect for Seniors’ Day (Keiro no hi) in Japan, we will have special keirokai at the Nippon Club which is supported by the […]
Medicaid Home Care, Estate Planning-Health Care Proxy, etc.
16th Autumn Health Fair Online Lecture on “Medicaid Home Care” by Ms. Helen Irie and “Estate Planning-Health Care Proxy, Trust, Living Wills, Power of Attorney and Wills” by Ms. Reiko […]
ONLINE: Peace & Happiness through Sitting Quietly and Correct Breathing 静坐法
16th Autumn Health Fair by Rev. Miki Nakura (U.S. Higashi Honganji Temple) 身と心の安定と落ち着きを実現する静坐法 講師:名倉幹(東本願寺 真宗大谷派 僧侶)
ONLINE & JAA Hall: Origami Workshop 笑いと折り紙
The 16th Autumn Health Fair by Toshiko Kobayashi (Origami Therapist), Tatsuo Yasuda, Origami Therapy Association 講師:小林利子&安田龍雄 企画:Origami Therapy Association
This should show up after the event.
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