- 2024 JAA Annual Meeting
- The 54th Scholarship Dinner
- The 19th JAA Sakura Matsuri
- The 16th Sakura Health Fair
- JAA 3.11 Volunteer
- Young professionals networking event
- 2024 New Year’s Celebration
- New Year Luncheon for Senior
- Fred Korematsu Day
- JAA’s “Japan Disaster Relief Fund”
- JAA Japanese Language Committee
- JAA Women in Business Committee
- The 39th Baseball Tournament
- Social Service
- 2024 JAA Activities
- Volunteers
- Obituary
- Face of JAA
2024 JAA Annual Meeting
The Annual JAA General Meeting was held online on February 7th. JAA President, Koji Sato gave his thoughts on his third year as President, and Director Kumiko Hasegawa presented the financial report for 2023. This was followed by the introduction and approval of this year’s officers, directors, chairmen of each committee, and honorary officers.
2024 Honorary Officers
Honorary Advisor
Ambassador Mikio Mori, Consul General
Consulate General of Japan in New York
Honorary Members
Tomonori Wada, President
Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York, Inc.
Tetsuo Kawate, President
The Nippon Club, Inc.
Life Trustees: Robert K. Emy, MD, Toshio Kiso, Gary S. Moriwaki
Honorary Directors: Hiroko Onoyama, Joe Oshima, Suki Terada Ports
Honorary President: Susan J. Onuma
Board Officers
President: Koji Sato
Vice Presidents: Yuzuru Anzai, M.D., Julie Azuma, David Hiromura,
Shunichi Homma, M.D., Keiko Ishida, Riki Ito, Makoto Iwahara, M.D.,
Yuki Kaneshige, Susan McCormac, Tsuneko Mitsunaka, Satoru Murase,
Kamal Ramani, M.D., Katsuo Takeda
Secretary: Nobuhisa Ishizuka
Assistant Secretary: Julie Azuma
Treasurer: Kumiko Hasegawa
Assistant Treasurer: Masaki Shimomura
Yuzuru Anzai M.D., Julie Azuma, Aiko Brody, Tak Furumoto,
Kumiko Hasegawa, David Hiromura, George Hirose, Shunichi Homma M.D.,
Keiko Ishida, Nobuhisa Ishizuka, Riki Ito, Makoto Iwahara M.D.,
Yuki Kaneshige, Maki Kano-Lueckerath, M.D., Keiko Kato, Nobuko Kodama,
Susan McCormac, Tsuneko Mitsunaka, Gary Moriwaki, Satoru Murase,
Michiyo Noda, Kimihiko Oishi, M.D.,Toru Okamoto, Susan Onuma,
Kamal Ramani, M.D.,Toru Sakamoto, Koji Sato, Masaki Shimomura,
Michi Tahara, Wendy Takahisa, Katsuo Takeda, Robert Yanagisawa, M.D.
Standing Committees
Planning & Finance: Makoto Iwahara
Membership Corporate: Satoru Murase
Individual: Julie Azuma
Communications (JAA News, Brochure & Web)
English: Susan J. Onuma, Yuki Kaneshige (Facebook)
Japanese: Michiyo Noda
Archives: Michiyo Noda
JAA Social Service: Riki Ito, Yuzuru Anzai
Scholarship: Satoru Murase
Legal: Gary S. Moriwaki, Nobuhisa Ishizuka
Nominating: Susan J. Onuma
Audit: Susan J. Onuma
Special Committees
External Affairs: Susan M. McCormac, Susan J. Onuma
Honjo Scholarship: Gary S. Moriwaki
Oral History Project: Julie Azuma
House/Relocation: Gary S. Moriwaki
Music Concerts: Nobuhisa Ishizuka
Charity Golf Tournament: Michi Tahara
Art Exhibition: George Hirose, JAA Office
Sports & Baseball Tournament: Kasei Chen, Kamal Ramani
Memorial Day Services (Bosankai) : Katsuo Takeda
Japanese Language Workshop: Nobuko Kodama
Bazaar/Flea Market: JAA Office
Young Professional Committee: Keiko Kato
Sakura Matsuri-Flushing Meadows Corona Park: Susan McCormac
Committee on Aging Issues: Susan Onuma, Michiyo Noda
JAA Women in Business Committee: Kumiko Hasegawa, Keiko Ishida and
Tsuneko Mitsunaka
Apple Kids: Kuni Mikami
Tanabata Festival: Yuki Kaneshige
Holiday Party honoring JAA Volunteers: JAA Office
Sakura and Autumn Health Fair: Aiko Brody, Maki Kano, Michiyo Noda
Digital Museum of the History of Japanese in New York: Shunichi Homma,
Susan J. Onuma
Community Services: Yuki Kaneshige
Music: Nobuhisa Ishizuka
The 54th Scholarship Dinner
The 54th New York JAA Scholarship Award Dinner will be held on May 31st at the Harvard Club. A total of $70,000 in scholarships and two ANA round-trip air tickets to Japan will be awarded to 14 students who will go on to study in the United States starting this autumn. Also, the Honjo Scholarship (a total of $30,000) will be awarded to graduate students studying in the US in areas contributing to Japan-U.S. Relations. Please join us!
Friday May 31, 2023
at The Harvard Club of New York City
35 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036
Reception: 6:00pm at West Room
Dinner: 7:00pm: at Biddle Room
・Attendance: $300 per person
・Gold Sponsor (Table of 10): $5,000
・Silver Sponsor (Table of 10) : $3,000
RSVP by May 20, 2024 to
Black Tie Optional
The 19th JAA Sakura Matsuri

Photo by Masao Katagami
The cherry blossoms were in full bloom at JAA’s 19th annual Sakura Matsuri! JAA members and fellow New Yorkers enjoyed the gorgeous day thanks to the efforts of its organizer and JAA VP Susan McCormac, and performances from Soh Daiko, The Japanese Folk Dance Institute of NY, Inc., New York Okinawa Club, and JAA’s Tea Ceremony Class. Ambassador Mikio Mori, JAA Young Professional Matt D’Aquila, Anthony Sama of the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation spoke of the significance of the Sakura Matsuri for US-Japan and community relations. A sakura sapling in honor of the late Dr. George and Mrs. Kazuko Nagamatsu was planted in the grove of over 200 sakura trees at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park originally planted by JAA and cared for by the NYC Parks Dept. We were pleased to hear that many local residents look forward to the cherry blossom festival every year.
Our JAA board members Mr. George Hirose supported our annual Sakura Matsuri. Thank you very much!
The 16th Sakura Health Fair
Co-sponsored by JAA and the Japanese Medical Support Network (JAMSNET), supported by the Consulate General of Japan in New York, the 16th Sakura Health Fair was held from April 5th (Fri.) to May 5th (Sun.). The events were held both online and at JAA Hall. JAA provided exercises such as yoga and Kikuchi exercise, lectures by doctors and specialists on breast cancer, dementia and osteoporosis, mental care, medical insurance, and children’s education. We have prepared a full range of programs for all ages, including Life Science Forum for Children, Japanese language education for children, parent-child classes, and other family aspects of life in the United States, as well as introductions to Japanese culture such as calligraphy, tea, and origami. Over 50 programs were attended by over 1,500 people.
JAA 3.11 Volunteer
To commemorate the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, Volunteers, including JAA, MUFG, JETAANY and other Japan-related organizations, served hot meals to 400 guests and sorted clothing donations at The Bowery Mission. We hope that by helping each other across communities, we can bring special meaning to this day. The volunteers worked throughout the day to make the 13th anniversary of Tohoku’s triple disaster meaningful, and helpful to those in need. The Consulate General of Japan in New York led its 10th annual volunteer effort in appreciation of New Yorkers’ support after the disaster.
(Reported by Yuki Kaneshige, chair of JAA Community Service Committee)
*Please see below for names of volunteers.
Young professionals networking event
On April 18, over 130 young professionals from various industries gathered for the inaugural networking event, “Elevate & Innovate: Roadmapping the Future Together,” hosted by JAA, JCCI, and the Nippon Club. The event aimed to provide a platform for young professionals to network, gain inspiration, and foster future leadership, emphasizing the importance of the U.S.-Japan partnership. Guest speakers included Shiho Matsuoka, Producer at Nippon TV, and Hayato Sumino “Cateen”, Musician & Composer, with Yuki Endo as the emcee. The event featured a fireside panel discussion with the guest speakers sharing insights from their careers. Mr. Sumino highlighted the importance of uniqueness and continual learning, while Ms. Matsuoka emphasized the power of cooperation and leveraging one’s identity. They both reflected on lessons learned and encouraged attendees to pursue their passions and explore new opportunities. The event also included networking sessions and a raffle, raising funds for the Noto Earthquake Relief Fund.
Thank you to Haruka Kokaze, Keiko Kato, Ryoko Hirose, Matt D’Aquila, Koji Sato and Michiyo Noda, and the whole JAA Young Professionals Committee, and Sean Kawakami, Masaaki Maeda, Hisaya Naito, David Ernst, and Rebecca Cass of JCCI and Nippon Club, and for their hard work in organizing this sensational event.
If you are interested in joining the JAAYP group, please email
2024 New Year’s Celebration at the Nippon Club

(from l to r)Mr. Kawate, Mr. Wada, Ms. Onuma, Mr.Ueno and Mr. Maeda (Photo courtesy of JCCI)
From noon on January 24th, the annual New Year’s Celebration was held at the Nippon Club, sponsored by the Consulate General of Japan in New York and supported by the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in New York, the Nippon Club, and JAA. 120 people attended.
Ambassador Mikio Mori, Mr. Tomonori Wada, President of the New York Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Tetsuo Kawate, President of the Nippon Club, and Ms. Susan J. Onuma, JAA Honorary President gave greetings and toasted, and a lively New Year’s business card exchange/networking party was held with New Year’s dishes and pleasant conversation.
New Year Luncheon for Senior at the Nippon Club

Left photo: seniors, Right photo: Mr. Sato (left) and Mr. Naito
On February 8th, the 33rd annual “New Year Luncheon for seniors” was held, sponsored by the Nippon Club and supported by the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York, inviting seniors living in the New York area to the Nippon Club. After the opening remarks and a toast by Mr. Hisaya Naito, general manager of the Nippon Club, the lunch began. 80 seniors participated and enjoyed the heartfelt New Year dishes of the Nippon Club with 30 obento which were delivered and picked-up. Also, people enjoyed the singing of the Nippon Club Chorus and music of Columbia University Gagaku Ensemble. Finally, Mr. Koji Sato, President of JAA, gave Mr. Naito, an orchid flowerpot as a token of appreciation.
Fred Korematsu Day
Fred T. Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution NYC was celebrated in Fort Lee, NJ on Tuesday, January 30th, 2024. Thank you to Riki Ito for documenting a Fred Korematsu Day celebration in Fort Lee, NJ on January 30th. JAA Board Member Takeshi Furumoto, who championed this legislation in Fort Lee, the State of NJ, and NYC, was a featured speaker, as was his wife, Carol Furumoto, JAA President Koji Sato, and Deputy Chief of Mission, Akira Endo. This day honors a Japanese American civil rights activist who challenged the constitutionality of the WWII incarceration of Japanese Americans. This was Fort Lee’s 5th, and #NJ’s 2nd annual celebration. Thank you to all the other JAA members and friends who were there to support this important event: Julie Azuma, George Hirose, Riki, Ito, Saki Mori and Kenji Nakano.
Thank you to the NJ AAPI Commission and the Borough of Fort Lee for organizing.
JAA’s “Japan Disaster Relief Fund”
Thank you to all those who have contributed to JAA’s “Japan Disaster Relief Fund” which will go towards helping Japanese survivors of the January 1st Earthquake on the Noto Peninsula. We hope that evacuees in shelters can be comforted and fed, homes and local businesses rebuilt, and the beautiful, age-old traditions of these hardest-hit areas in northern Ishikawa Prefecture can survive. By end of April, we raised fund $27,500. One of donors, IACE Travel (chair Ms. Keiko Ishida) donated $10,000. Thank you very much all donors!
JAA Japanese Language Committee
The workshop was held on April 6th from 10:00 to 12:00 on ZOOM, with 30 participants. The lecturer was Mr. Kazuo Tsuda, who gave a lecture on the theme of ” Inquiry-based learning “. Mr. Tsuda is currently exploring and contributing to the field of education from a broad perspective, and we look forward to his continued success in the future. (Reported by Nobuko Kodama, Chairman of the JAA Japanese Language Education Committee)
JAA Women in Business Committee
From 6:00 pm on March 13 (Friday) The lecture titled ” What is the reality of sexual exploitation in Japan?” was given by Ms. Kazuko Ito and Professor Hiroko Goto of Chiba University. Moderator was Ms. Keiko Tsuyama (journalist). 60 people participated.
The 39th Baseball Tournament
Starting on April 28th, 13 teams will compete in Central Park and Randall Island. Please see the blog below for more information.
Heads of Mission and
Japanese American Leaders Meeting
JAA President Koji Sato attended the 16th Annual Heads of Mission and Japanese American Leaders Meeting in Washington, DC on January 24, 2024 to represent the Japanese and Japanese American community in New York.It was an occasion to meet newly-arrived Japanese Ambassador Shigeo Yamada of the Embassy of Japan in the USA., Ambassador Mikio Mori, Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials, and 20 other Japanese American leaders from throughout the nation. President Sato spoke of JAA’s recent collaborations with the Consulate General of Japan in New York, including the Japan Parade, Japanese Heritage Night, The Digital Museum of the History of Japanese in NY, and Fred T. Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution.
Prime Minister Kishida of Japan’s speech to the Joint Session of Congress
On April 12, JAA President Koji Sato was honored to represent the Japanese American community as a guest of U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand from New York at a speech given by Prime Minister Kishida of Japan in front of the Joint Session of Congress.
Susan McCormac selected for the 2024 JALD Program
JAA congratulates its Vice President and active Board Member, Susan McCormac, on being selected for the prestigious 2024 JALD (Japanese American Leadership Delegation) Program, funded by the Japanese government and facilitated by the U.S.-Japan Council. As one of ten JALD representatives of Japanese Americans who are recognized for deepening relations between Japan and the U.S., she embarked on a series of meetings and activities in Japan, where she met Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on March 9, 2024 with the heads of Japanese government, academia, non-profits, and cultural entities.
Social Service

Happy birthday for January and February
On February 22nd, the Hinamatsuri Keirokai was held. Ms. Shizuko Kato decorated the hina dolls with flowers, the Iwaki Band performed, and everyone sang Hinamatsuri together.

Happy birthday for March
Keirokais were held on March 14th, Japanese pops sang by Ms. Miku Murayama with Mr. Hideo Nakamura on the piano. Iwaki Band played on March 28th.

(left photo) Happy birthday for April, (right photo) Dr. Anzai
Our senior members enjoyed the lunch boxes from BentOn. Ms. Terri Wade sang several songs with Hideo Nakamura’s piano accompaniment which was well received by the seniors at the April 11th Keirokai and Dr. Yuzuru Anzai talked about Senior’s Health at the April 25th Keirokai.
2024 JAA Activities
April 5 – May 5: the 16th Sakura Health Fair
April 20 (Sat.): the 19th Sakura Matsuri
April 28 – August 18 (every Sunday) :The 39th Baseball Tournament
May 11 (Sat.): Japan Day
May 16 (Thurs.) – June 1 (Sat.): the 28th JAA Art Exhibition of Japanese and Japanese American Artists in New York
May 27 (Mon.): Memorial Service at Japanese Cemetery
May 31 (Fri.): the 54th JAA Scholarship Dinner
July 13 (Sat.): Tanabata Festival @Carl Schurz Park
August 3 (Sat.): Summer Flea Market
Sept. 6 (Fri.) – Oct. 6 (Sun.): the 18th Autumn Health Fair
Oct. 21 (Mon): the 30th JAA Charity Golf
Oct. 26 (Sat.): Autumn Japanese Language Workshop
Nov. 2 (Sat.): Grand Bazaar
Dec. 6 (Fri.): JAA 117th Annual Gala Dinner
Dec. 12 (Thurs.): Year-End Keirokai
Dec. 13 (Fri.): Holiday Party and Volunteers Appreciation Party
JAA is grateful to the wonderful organizations that joined us:
JET Alumni Association of New York (JETAANY), MUFG Bank, Ltd., The New York Japanese-American Lions Club, Mitsui Foundation, Sumitomo Corp. of Americas, members of ZAJA and U.S.-Japan Council, and all our amazing volunteers: Koji Sato, Gary S. Moriwaki, Avalon Akashi, Walter Buskirk, Nancy Castro, Matt D’Aquila of Abeam Consulting, Elisa Edmondson, Yumi Higashi-Ho, David Hiromura, Yuji Horimoto, Thomas Ichinose, Emily Isakari, Yuki Kaneshige, Susan McCormac of Japan Culture•NYC, Keiko Nasir, Hiroko Shimizu, Akemi Takeda, Katsuo Takeda, Osamu Watanabe, Naoki Yaguchi, Teruo Yokoyama and Erina Yoshida
Consulate: Jesse Taylor, Chiaki Torisu, Toshihiro Go, Tomoe Sato, Yoshie Taguchi
The New York Japanese-American Lions Club: Kenji Nakano and Mari Morimoto Dvm
JETAANY: Kelsey Haskins, Christy Jones, Peter Yang
MUFG: Noriko Furuhata, Ms. Muraoka, Ms. Norville, and Ms. Toyama
Morgan Stanley: Misa Abe
Sumitomo: Makiko Hiromi
TOMODACHI: Alumnus James Ho-Shek
- Mr. Daijiro Miyazaki died on January 20 at a facility in New York City. He was 91 years old. He was an active participant in JAA’s Keirokai and other events. See “the faces of the JAA” below.
- Mrs. Hiroko Murase, wife of JAA Vice President Satoru Murase passed away on January 25, 2024 at home. She was 64 years old. She was very active at NPO organizations such as Smithsonian Museum Asian Department, Noguchi Museum, and others. Her memorial gathering was held at the Noguchi Museum with over 400 participants.
Our deepest condolences and she will be missed.
[Vol. 85] Daijiro Miyazaki (1932〜2024)
Daijiro Miyazaki, 91, of New York, NY passed away on January 20, 2024. He was born on January 21, 1932, in Liaoning province, Manchukuo, a Japanese-sponsored state in Northern China. Like most Japanese Manchurians, Mr. Miyazaki and his family resettled in Japan after World War ll. He graduated from Hitotsubashi University in 1956 with a BA in Sociology. He migrated to the United States in 1968 and lived in Dallas, San Francisco, and Los Angeles before settling in New York where he met his partner, John Eidson. They lived together in New York until Mr. Eidson passed away in 2000. Mr. Miyazaki worked for several well-known Japanese firms including Takashimaya, Japan Airlines, the Bank of Tokyo, and Fuji Film where he retired as Senior Financial Director of Fujinon in 2001. Mr. Miyazaki deeply appreciated classical music, opera, and Western painting, but his true passion lay in Japanese art from calligraphy to ceramics. He was an attentive student of Japanese history and culture. He was an active member of the emigre Japanese community in New York. Mr. Miyazaki was also a long-time member of the JAA. A memorial service to honor Mr. Miyazaki’s life was held on March 2nd at the New York Buddhist Church where he was a dedicated long-time member.
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