Calendar of Events
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Deadline of the 53rd JAA General Scholarship Application
Deadline of the 53rd JAA General Scholarship Application
Application Form at below site
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FLAT主催 12:30pm-1:30pm 「子育てや療育の悩み、何でも座談会」 2pm-3pm「受けるべきがん検診と腫瘍専門医から伝える健康の秘訣」 3pm-4:30pm 「山田悠史先生の認知症を防ぐ9つの方法:認知症のリスクと改善方法」 ご予約はJAAまで
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Free Hair Cut for Seniors シニアへの無料ヘアカット
Free Hair Cut for Seniors シニアへの無料ヘアカット
by Ms. Michi Tahara, Mr. Shige Kosuda, Mr. Jimmy Akimoto and Mr. Kazunori Ueda. Please make your reservation at JAA. 「シニアへの無料ヘアカット」田原ミチさん、小須田シゲさん、秋元亮介さんと上田和則さんで行います。各自30分。お早めにご予約ください。
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The 27th JAA Art Exhibition 第27回ニューヨークで活躍する日本人・日系人美術家展
Annual Art Exhibition with 30 artists. 30名のアーティストの作品が展示されます。
The 27th JAA Art Exhibition Opening Reception オープニング・レセプション
The 27th JAA Art Exhibition Opening Reception オープニング・レセプション
Ambassador Mikio Mori will attend our popular art exhibition. Please join our reception of our annual Art exhibition @JAA! 50% of art sales will be donated to JAA. 5月11日(木)4pm-6pm オープニング・レセプション NY総領事森美樹夫大使と出展作家をお招きして行います。日米で活躍する30人の作家の作品をお楽しみ下さい。売上げの50%はJAAに寄付されます。ご支援お願いします。ワインとリフレッシュメントを用意いたします。
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Let’s enjoy the Origami 折り紙ワークショップ
Let’s enjoy the Origami 折り紙ワークショップ
JAA Apple Kids Group & Keirokai committee present “Let’s enjoy the Origami with Ms. Toshiko Kobayashi!” free. Please make your reservation at JAA. アップルキッズ&敬老会主催「家族で楽しむ小林利子先生の折り紙ワークショップ 脳トレ&知育折り紙」どなたでもご参加できます。無料です。
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Japan Parade 2023
Japan Parade 2023
We will celebrate the 2nd Japan Parade with Ms. Kristi Yamaguchi, Figure Skating Olympic Gold Medalist, as the Grand Marshal of Japan Parade 2023! JAA will join the parade at Central Park West from 81st to 67th St. (southbound). Please come and enjoy it with us. We need more people for Japan Parade! Please make […]
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Free Telephone Consultation 移民法の電話無料相談室
Free Telephone Consultation 移民法の電話無料相談室
“Free Telephone Consultation on Immigration Law” by Attorney Mr. Katsumi Miki. 15 min. per person 「三木克己弁護士による移民法の電話無料相談室」各15分 要予約
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Keirokai 5月の敬老会
Keirokai 5月の敬老会
Please enjoy BentOn bento and music by Iwaki Band. Please make your reservation for lunch at JAA Hall, delivery and pick up. Please join us for May birthday celebration! BentOnのお弁当とIWAKI Bandの歌をお楽しみください。敬老会参加、デリバリー、ピックアップのご予約をしてください。5月お誕生日の皆さんお集まりください。会費:$5要予約
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Memorial Day Service/Bosankai 日本人墓地墓参会
Memorial Day Service/Bosankai 日本人墓地墓参会
“Memorial Day Service/Bosankai at Mt. Olivet Cemetery” It will be jointly sponsored by JAA, the NY Buddhist Church and the Japanese American United Church and supported by Consulate General of Japan in New York, New York Japanese-American Lions Club and Japanese Childrens Society at the Japanese section of Mt. Olivet Cemetery. The Japanese section was […]
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Scholarship Award Presentation Dinner 奨学金授与晩餐会
Scholarship Award Presentation Dinner 奨学金授与晩餐会
“the JAA Scholarship Award Presentation Dinner of the 53rd JAA Scholarship Awards & 17th Honjo Scholarship Awards” at Harvard Club (35 W. 44th St.). Our Keynote Speaker will be Hiroyuki Fujita, Ph.D., a technology business entrepreneur and chair of Ohio State University. Reception at 6pm, Dinner and award presentation from 7pm. $300/person ($100 tax deductible). […]
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Free Telephone Consultation 遺言・事前指示の書類無料相談室
Free Telephone Consultation 遺言・事前指示の書類無料相談室
“Free Telephone Consultation on Will, Health Care Proxy, Living Wills and Power of Attorney” Attorneys Helen Irie and Reiko Takikawa will be available to advise you on your concerns. Please make your reservations at JAA. 30 min per person. 「ヘレン・イリエ弁護士と滝川玲子弁護士の遺言・事前指示の書類についての電話無料相談室-Will, Health Care Proxy, Living Wills, Power of Attorney」各30分。ご予約下さい。
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This should show up after the event.
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