Free Legal Telephone Consultation 米国移民法の無料電話相談室

“Free Legal Telephone Consultation on Immigration Laws” Attorney Mami Terai will be available. 15 min. per person. Please make your reservation at JAA. 「寺井真美弁護士の米国移民法の無料電話相談室」ご相談の方はご予約下さい。各15分 要予約

Free Legal Telephone Consultation 遺言・事前指示の書類

“Free Telephone Consultation on Will, Health Care Proxy, Living Wills and Power of Attorney” Attorneys Helen Irie and Reiko Takikawa will be available to advise you on your concerns. Please make your reservations at JAA. 30 min per person. 「ヘレン・イリエ弁護士と滝川玲子弁護士の遺言・事前指示の書類についての無料電話相談-Will, Health Care Proxy, Living Wills, Power of Attorney」各30分。ご予約下さい。 

This should show up after the event.