Let’s enjoy the Origami 折り紙ワークショップ 

 JAA Apple Kids Group & Keirokai committee present “Let’s enjoy the Origami with Ms. Toshiko Kobayashi!” free. Please make your reservation at JAA. アップルキッズ&敬老会主催「家族で楽しむ小林利子先生の折り紙ワークショップ 脳トレ&知育折り紙」どなたでもご参加できます。無料です。

Keirokai 5月の敬老会

Please enjoy BentOn bento and music by Iwaki Band. Please make your reservation for lunch at JAA Hall, delivery and pick up. Please join us for May birthday celebration!  BentOnのお弁当とIWAKI […]

Memorial Day Service/Bosankai 日本人墓地墓参会

“Memorial Day Service/Bosankai at Mt. Olivet Cemetery” It will be jointly sponsored by JAA, the NY Buddhist Church and the Japanese American United Church and supported by Consulate General of […]

Free Legal Consultation 無料電話法律相談(移民法以外)

by Attorney Reiko Kasano. Advice on any of your legal concerns except for Immigration Law. 30 min/person. Please make your reservation at JAA. 笠野玲子弁護士が移民法以外の諸問題の相談にお答えいたします。ご予約下さい。各30分  

This should show up after the event.