Week of Events
The 28th JAA Art Exhibition 第28回JAAニューヨークで活躍する日本人・日系人美術家展
May 16 (Thurs.) ~ June 1 (Sat.) “The 28th JAA Art Exhibition of Japanese and Japanese Americans Artists in New York” 50% of art sales will be donated to JAA. 「第28回JAAニューヨークで活躍する日本人・日系人美術家展」5月16日~6月1日 売上げの50%はJAAに寄付されます。ご支援お願いします。
Memorial Day : JAA is closed メモリアルデーにてJAA事務局休み
Memorial Day JAA office will be closed 事務局休み
Memorial Day Service 日本人墓地墓参会
Memorial Day Service 日本人墓地墓参会
11am-12pm “Memorial Day Service/Bosankai at Mt. Olivet Cemetery” It will be jointly sponsored by JAA, the NY Buddhist Church and the Japanese American United Church and supported by the Consulate General of Japan in New York, the New York Japanese-American Lions Club and Japanese Childrens Society at the Japanese section of Mt. Olivet Cemetery. The […]
Free Telephone Consultation 遺言・事前指示の書類についての電話無料相談室
Free Telephone Consultation 遺言・事前指示の書類についての電話無料相談室
“Free Telephone Consultation on Wills, Health Care Proxy, Living Wills and Power of Attorney” Attorneys Helen Irie and Reiko Takikawa will be available to advise you on your concerns. Please make your reservations at JAA. 30 min per person. 「ヘレン・イリエ弁護士と滝川玲子弁護士の遺言・事前指示の書類についての電話無料相談室-Will, Health Care Proxy, Living Wills, Power of Attorney」各30分。ご予約下さい。
JAA Chorus JAA コーラス
the JAA Scholarship Award Presentation Dinner 奨学金授与晩餐会
the JAA Scholarship Award Presentation Dinner 奨学金授与晩餐会
“the JAA Scholarship Award Presentation Dinner of the 54th JAA Scholarship Awards & 18th Honjo Scholarship Awards” at Harvard Club (35 W. 44th St.). Our Keynote Speaker will be Sayaka Kobayashi, a Japan-US Education Advocate. Reception at 6pm, Dinner and award presentation from 7pm. $300/person ($100 tax deductible). 5月31日(金)6pm-9:30pm 「第54回JAA奨学金&第18回本庄奨学金授与晩餐会」をハーバードクラブで開催します。基調講演は「受験は逆転の大チャンス」ビリギャル・小林さやかさんです。
This should show up after the event.
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