“Summer Flea Market” Our very popular flea market is coming! We will gratefully accept donations of new and used clean clothing, china, jewelry, books etc. from July 1 to July 29. The event will also feature a food corner. Please come early and enjoy shopping. It will greatly help support JAA’s activities! Please check attached […]
“Free Legal Telephone Consultation” by Attorney Reiko Kasano. Advice on any of your legal concerns except for Immigration Law. 30 min/person. Please make your reservation at JAA. 「笠野玲子弁護士による無料電話法律相談室(移民法以外)」。ご予約下さい。各30分。
by Ms. Michi Tahara, Ms. Yasuko Tsuda, Mr. Nori Sasaki and Mr. Haruka Kobayashi. Please make your reservation at JAA. 田原ミチさん、佐々木のりさん、津田やすこさん、小林はるかさんがヘアカットを行ないます。お早めにご予約下さい。
“Summer/Obon Keirokai” BentOn’s bento will be served. $5/JAA senior member. Let’s enjoy Bon Odori together! We will invite Bon Odori dancers! Please make your reservations for lunch, pick-up and lunch delivery. Please call JAA if you have your birthday in August! 夏のお盆敬老会 盆踊りを楽しみましょう!Bonダンサーの盆踊りをお楽しみください。ご参加、ピックアップ、ランチデリバリーご希望の方はご予約下さい。8月のお誕生会をします。会費$5
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