By Ms. Michi Tahara, Mr. Shige Kosuda, Mr. Ryosuke Akimoto and Mr. Kazunori Ueda. Please make your reservation at JAA. 「シニアへの無料ヘアカット」田原ミチさん、小須田シゲさん、秋元亮介さん、上田和則さんがヘアカットを行ないます。お早めにご予約下さい。
“Tanabata Keirokai” Bento will be served. We will present a booklet prepared by the NYPD titled “Crime Prevention Book for Seniors” which will provide information on how to protect yourself from crime this summer. Please make your reservations for lunch, lunch delivery and pick-up. $5/JAA senior member. お食事はBENTONのお弁当です。この夏を安全に過ごすためにNYPD制作「シニアのための防犯ガイドブック」の紹介と体験談発表。ランチ代:JAA会員:$5。 敬老会参加とお弁当ピックアップとランチデリバリーもご予約ください。
Apple Kids presents “Let’s enjoy Songs and Dance with parents and children led by Ms. Atsuko Nadata!” It is free! Apple Kids企画「灘田篤子さん指導の未就学児童向け音楽とアートで遊ぶクラス」無料です。
6:30pm-9pm “The 8th Annual Tanabata Festival @ Carl Schurz Park on the esplanade, enter at 84th to 89th Streets on East End Ave.” presented by the Japanese & Japanese American community in New York with the Amateur Astronomers Association of NY (AAA). In observation of this Japanese summer festival based on a legend of "star-crossed" […]
“Free Legal Telephone Consultation on Immigration Laws” Attorney Mami Terai will be available. 15 min. per person. Please make your reservation at JAA. 「寺井真美弁護士の米国移民法の無料電話相談室」ご相談の方はご予約下さい。 各15分 要予約
Unagi Kabayaki Special Bento will be served. We wish all of you a nice and healthy summer! $5/JAA senior member. Please enjoy Mini Jazz Concert by Kuni Mikami and Iwaki Band. Please make your reservations for lunch, lunch delivery and pick-up. Please call JAA if you have your birthday in July! 「土用の丑の日敬老会」鰻のかば焼き弁当です。「暑い夏を元気に過ごしてください」とのメッセージ付きです。参加費$5。会場参加、デリバリー、ピックアップ、お早めにご予約ください。三上クニさんのジャズピアノとIWAKI BANDの歌と演奏をお楽しみください。7月のお誕生会をします!ランチデリバリー希望の方はご予約下さい。
“Free Telephone Consultation on Will, Health Care Proxy, Living Wills and Power of Attorney” Attorneys Helen Irie and Reiko Takikawa will be available to advise you on your concerns. Please make your reservations at JAA. 30 min per person. 「ヘレン・イリエ弁護士と滝川玲子弁護士の遺言・事前指示の書類についての無料電話相談-Will, Health Care Proxy, Living Wills, Power of Attorney」各30分。ご予約下さい。
“Summer Flea Market” Our very popular flea market is coming! We will gratefully accept donations of new and used clean clothing, china, jewelry, books etc. from July 1 to July 29. The event will also feature a food corner. Please come early and enjoy shopping. It will greatly help support JAA’s activities! Please check attached […]
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