Free Telephone Legal Consultation 遺言・事前指示の書類についての電話無料相談
9:30am-12pm “Free Telephone Legal Consultation on Wills, Health Care Proxy, Living Wills and Power of Attorney” Attorneys Helen Irie and Reiko Takikawa will be available to advise you on your concerns. […]
Let’s enjoy Songs and Dance 未就学児童向け
10:30am-12pm Apple Kids presents “Let’s enjoy Songs and Dance with parents and children led by Ms. Atsuko Nadata!” It is a free event. Apple Kids企画「灘田篤子さん指導の未就学児童向け音楽とアートで遊ぶクラス」無料
117th Anniversary Gala Dinner
Harvard Club of New York City 35 West 44th Street, New York, NY, 米国The Japanese American Association of New York, Inc. cordially invites you to our 117th Anniversary Gala Dinner Honorees: ITO EN (North America) Inc. and Julie Azuma Guest Artists: The New […]
JAA 117th GALA 日系人会117周年晩餐会
6-9PM at Harvard Club. Honoree:ITO EN (North America),Inc. amd Ms. Julie Azuma. Entertainment by Soprano Singer: Ms. Sachie Ueshima
Free Hair-Cut for Seniors シニアへの無料ヘアカット
10am-12pm: “Free Hair-Cut for Seniors” by Ms. Michi Tahara, Mr. Nori Sasaki, Ms. Yasuko Tsuda and Mr. Haruka Kobayashi. Please make your reservation at JAA as soon as possible. 「シニアへの無料ヘアカット」田原ミチさん、佐々木ノリさん、津田やすこさん、小林はるかさんがヘアカットを行います。お早めにご予約下さい。
Free Telephone Consultation 電話無料法律相談室 (移民法以外)
10am-12pm “Free Telephone Consultation on legal concerns (non-immigration related issues)” Attorney Reiko Kasano will be available to advise you on your concerns. Please make your reservation at JAA. 30 min per […]
Year End Keiro Kai 年末敬老会
12pm- “Year End Keiro Kai” Please attend & enjoy Obento from BentOn.Fee $5. Music will be provided by Iwaki Band. Please make your reservation to eat at JAA Hall and for […]
demonstration of self-defense ディフェンス術講習会
1:30pm- Karate Master Ryu Goto sensei’s demonstration of self-defense AAF主催の「ホリデーシーズンを前に五嶋龍先生のディフェンス術講習会」を30分行います。
Year End Holiday Party ホリデーパーティー&ボランティア慰労会
5pm-6:30pm “Year End Holiday Party and Volunteers Benefit Party@ JAA Hall Please join us and enjoy JAA Chorus’s Christmas Songs and piano concert Yukiko Tanaka (director of JAA Chorus), Shakuhachi by […]
Free Telephone Consultation 電話無料法律相談 (移民法)
10am-12pm “Free Telephone Consultation on Immigration Law in the US’ by Attorney Keiko Kato, Esq. Please make your reservation at JAA. 15 min. per person. 10am-12pm 「米国の移民法に関しての電話無料法律相談」加藤恵子弁護士が皆様のご相談にお答えします。相談は各15分。ご予約下さい。
This should show up after the event.
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