Free consultation on your Medicare (30 min/person)
10am-12pm “Free consultation on your Medicare” by NYC Dept. of Aging/HIICAP. 30 min/person
Keiro Kai 11月敬老会
12pm-2pm “Keiro Kai in November” Please enjoy Obento from BentOn Please enjoy Iwaki Band’s songs! Please make your reservation to eat at JAA and for delivery/pick-up of Obento. Please call JAA […]
JAA Women in Business Committee 講師:国際ジャーナリスト津山恵子
6:30pm- JAA Women in Business Committee presents “Result and Effect After the U.S. Elections” with speaker, International Journalist Ms. Keiko Tsuyama $25/person make your reservation at 6:30pm-JAAビジネスウーマンの会主催「大変貌するアメリカ大統領選挙〜2008年からの取材戦記で読むアメリカ社会の変化〜」講師に国際ジャーナリスト津山恵子さんをお迎えして行います。会費$25 質問・申込み
Free Haircuts for Seniors シニアへの無料ヘアカット
10am-12pm: “Free Haircuts for Seniors” by Mr. Shige Kosuda, Mr. Ryosuke Akimoto, Mr. Kazunori Ueda and Ms. Saori Abe. Please make your reservation. 10am-12pm 「シニアへの無料ヘアカット」小須田シゲさん、秋元亮介さん、上田和則さんと安部早織さんがヘアカットを行ないます。お早めにご予約下さい。
Telephone Consultation 米国移民法の電話無料相談室
10am-12pm “Telephone Consultation on Immigration Law” Attorney Katsumi Miki will be available for 15 min. per person consultation. Please make your reservation at JAA. 10am-12pm 「三木克己弁護士の米国移民法の電話無料相談室」ご相談の方はご予約下さい。各15分。
JAA Young Professionals Event
6pm-8pm JAA Young Professionals Committee presents a “Talk on Japanese American Artists” Speaker: Mr. Joe Tokumasu Field, an art historian and educator at the Noguchi Museum. More information will be announced […]
via ZOOM: JAA Directors’ meeting 理事会と選挙総会
6:30pm- via ZOOM: Directors’ meeting and JAA General Election Meeting. The notice of the General Election meeting and proxy letter will be sent in November. Members should vote for Officers and […]
Free Telephone Legal Consultation 遺言・事前指示の書類についての電話無料相談
9:30am-12pm “Free Telephone Legal Consultation on Wills, Health Care Proxy, Living Wills and Power of Attorney” Attorneys Helen Irie and Reiko Takikawa will be available to advise you on your concerns. […]
Let’s enjoy Songs and Dance 未就学児童向け
10:30am-12pm Apple Kids presents “Let’s enjoy Songs and Dance with parents and children led by Ms. Atsuko Nadata!” It is a free event. Apple Kids企画「灘田篤子さん指導の未就学児童向け音楽とアートで遊ぶクラス」無料
This should show up after the event.
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